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I'm gonna be blunt; this game is pretty bad. The graphical style is generally unpleasant and unpolished, the mouse isn't locked to the center of the screen making navigation very annoying, the gameplay feels meaningless, and some sound would have been nice. Also as far as I can tell there aren't any instructions in the top right.  

Even if my personal experience with this game was negative, you shouldn't feel discouraged from continuing game development. It's fine if a game doesn't turn out well, especially when it's for a game jam. And judging from your other game, you definetely have potential. I'm sure this game and any potential future projects of yours will improve over time, so don't give up!

Yeah the web build was incredibly rushed and so I’m not sure if the UI works across devices and I’m not sure why the mouse isn’t captured. But those issues are fixed in the windows build. The game is definitely still very early in development and unpolished, I just submitted it to the jam so that my giftee at least had something to look at and mess around with for Christmas! Thanks for playing, and thanks for the encouragement!